Pastoral letter for the season of advent

We  the  Catholic   Bishops    of  Ghana   send  you  this  Pastoral   Letter   for  the  season   of Advent.    Advent   is   the  pre-Christmas     season    in which  we  spiritually   prepare   for  the celebration    of the birth  of Christ,    while  readying  ourselves    for his second  coming.

The  theme  of this  Letter  is  taken  from  the first  reading  (see  Isa  63:16-17;   64:1,3-8)      of the First  Sunday  of Advent:   “We are the clay, and thou art our potter” (Isa. 64:8 RSV). It is  hoped  that as we prepare  for and celebrate  Christmas  and throughout   the New Year, we will each  remain  clay  in the hands  of our Creator,  so that He will continue  to mould us  according   to His  divine  purpose.

As  this   Letter  comes   only  a few  days  after  the  Communique    we  issued  on  “Integral Pastoral    Care  for the Family  in the light  of Amoris  Laetitia”,   we take  the opportunity   to pray  that  every  family   in our  nation  will  be shaped  by the Divine  Potter  according   to the purposes   for which  He established    these  families.

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